Monday, November 26, 2007
Unforgettable memories at our miracle building in Jurong West
I remembered that the very first time i came to CHC was on 25/10/2003. The cell group leader was sharing the sermon “Why is fellowship”-- > the very first sermon i heard in CHC. To prove this, here are the 7 points:
1. I belong in God’s family with others believers.
2. i need encouragement to grow spiritually
3. I need accountability to grow spiritually
4. Jesus is present when we fellowship together
5. There is great power when people pray together
6. Fellowship is a witness to the world
7. I’m obliged to every other Christian
The first verse one of the cell group members shared with me was Philippians 2:14 whereby we should not complain when we do all things.
My First Times
It was at Jurong West when i first....
·learnt the simple and yet profound truth that God loves us because of who He is and not who i am
· tithed and gave an offering
· got water-baptised
· Learnt to shake hands, greet people and say “Hi, my name is Wei Hao. You are?”
·Performed at POS for 2 consecutive years!!!
·ate very delicious Japanese food sold at the cafe
·got discipled by cell group leaders and children church leaders over the mistakes i have made
Other funny and quite embarrassing first times......
It was at Jurong West when i first....
· ACCIDENTLY hit an usher during worship (I’ve repented. I believe some of us might be guilty of this too....)
· ACCIDENTLY punched a man at the back of his head during prayer meeting (I’ve apologised and it was due to the fact that the person was leaning too much on the seat and I was praying too fervently + leaned too forward...)
·Gave guest speaker a standing applause when pastor asked the guest to stand (don’t worry—not many people didn’t notice)
·Etc etc
Very importantly, one more day to our new service at JW!!!!
Disclaimer: i have grown to be more sensitive to my surroundings so there's no worry that i'll hit anyone don't worry k?
Labels: Experience Sharing
Posted by Beloved Child at
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Guitar Lessons!
Due to popular demand and the need for new guitarists
Our very own Carey and Torrance (feels weird typing my own name) will be teaching to people who want to learn.
First things first.
1) The number one priority is that you are equipped to play for cell group. If you want to learn outside church or secular stuff then you can always contact Carey or Torrance but not for this one though.
2) Depending on your rate of learning, being able to play a song properly might take 1-2 months. But since this is a group thing, it might be a little slower.. BUT you can always practice at home and if anytime we feel that you are doing faster, we'll teach you individually.
3) Carey once offered 2 dollars per hour which is the cheapest rate around =P Anyways its free. Both of us learned it free too so we dont see a point in you paying esp during A&B
4) Timing would be before cell group on a friday, roughly an hour.
5) Don't have a guitar? Its alright, we'll work something out for you.
6) If you have some knowledge already, its alright too. Beginner would be ideal.
7) If you do meet pain while learning, it doesnt mean you have to give up. It just means you need to take a break.
Things you will learn Within 1-2 month's time.
1) Basic fingerings and chord structure.
2) Basic Tempo/Beats
3) Barre Chords
4) Basic Strummings
5) Basic Theory
6) Praise Dynamics
7) Worship Dynamics
8) Finger excercises including massage! hahaha.
All you need is 10 fingers (with short nails), two arms, one eye ( is good enough ) , pref a pair of ears and a focused mind.
So what are you waiting for! With Carey around Im sure the lessons wont be so stressful compared to 1 on 1 with me =P
P.S We really hope to raise up new guitarists who will continue to carry "one heart, one journey, one purpose" too in their playing because ultimately it will be YOU bringing down the presence.
Lessons will start this friday!
Carey -
Torrance -
Labels: FYI
Posted by Anonymous at
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
This Saturday will be our last Saturday service at expo for most of us!!!
Well it's a ":) =) :D x) =P =]" thing to be M.O.V.E-ing back to our lovely building back in jurong west.. Back to the place where it was our first time being awed by the auditorium we first sang praise and worship in.
Till den..
This Saturday!!! The last of it!!!! Make the most out of it!! Enjoy it!!! Ah!! There’s always a first time.. But there'll be a last time too!!! So Saturday.. Last time we'll be singing praise and worship together officially as a whole cell group as a whole team. The last time we'll be sitting around together eating our late dinner-cum-supper together in the east. So let's treasure it. Be there for fellowship to feel the last roti prata sizzling in our mouths. Or maybe not. haha x)
Labels: Experience Sharing
Posted by -nat- at
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
First Time ... ...
Now, why this title?
Well... We all had our first time in everything we do.
First time we went to the toilet.
First time we got baptized in the pool. (Wait shouldn't that be the only time???)
First time we fellowshipped in the cafe.
First time we praised and worship in the auditorium.
Don't get it?
12 more days my friends...
12 more days and we will go back to where I had my first time meeting God face to face. Never been there before? Now is YOUR chance to go back to our miracle building at Jurong West St 91. On December the 2nd, English services will start back at this miracle building.
So get ready as we move back to relive our 'First Time Days'. Get ready now... As miracles are gonna start...
See You There!!! __''**Jurong West Street 91**''__
P.S. Hey... My first time bloggin too... thanks to BK for telling me where the ''new post'' button is.......
Labels: BIG events
Posted by Carey at
Movie anyone? No the title isn't mispelled.
Do you miss the...
Don't get it?
12 more days.
And for the first time in 2 years, an English service will kick off at Jurong West St 91! If you haven't been there before, prepare to stand in awe as you enter the auditorium. If you have, prepare to stand in awe AGAIN.
Think it's far? Try Australia or Taiwan. Some towns are a few Singapores away from another.
But Sundays are family days... Well it still is, just another family. =)
So, behold. For eye has not seen nor ear heard, believe and know there will be a mighty move of God as we m.o.v.e.
Labels: BIG events
Posted by Guan Boon David at
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Bowling at MS on Deepavali!!!
It was a “going to rain” Thursday morning and we met at 10:15am at city hall MRT. Upon my arrival, I saw very caring Natalia giving instructions to a middle-age lady. [no photo]
I noticed a trend from the photographs I took (did anyone else notice this?): Natalia always had the SAME pose when she is conscious that someone is taking a photograph of her.... lol...
Anyway, i need to go back to study --> will post the rest asap... got some nice photos. Pai sei, it’s my first time doing a blog properly --> a bit out-dated: didn’t know how to put words above picture :X So stay tuned to CHANNEL-NEWS-W115 :):):):)
Labels: Activities.
Posted by Beloved Child at
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Ohno ohno!!!!! It's 7Nov already! =X
Here’s wishing JOSEPH LOW from NgeeAnn poly
6Nov was a special day for this child of God (: we pray that may you be always walking with and trusting in God and He lighting up your path all the days of your life (:
Next on the list..!
Nov 11: Ben (:
Nov 14: Chia!
Nov 15: Patrick! :D
Nov 17: Justin! (:
That’s all for the September babies of W115 and W458! (:
If by any chance I missed out anyone's birthday please kindly notify! (:
So back to studying! (:
Congrats to those who have ended their papers..
KOKO to those still in the midst or have yet to start exams! (:
Labels: FYI
Posted by -nat- at
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Radio Station Prank Call
The much awaited radio station recording has been uploaded for your listening pleasure...
Audio.mp3 |
Please thank me... LoLs
Labels: Activities.
Posted by TLY at
Extremely Enjoyable Events.
My Favourite Public Holiday
Posted by Anonymous at