Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Late! The snooze monster always manages to catch me at the very last minute. But on top of that, all you working people will know the prowess of the morning traffic. So a late snooze plus bad traffic, not nice.
Meanwhile, I chanted to myself what I always tell R.O.C.K. 4 (my team for C.O.D.E. R.E.D.), must be ‘zai’, which is hokkien for ‘steady’. Then I remembered when the scripture says “Be anxious for nothing” (Philipians 4:6). So while Madonna sings “VOGUE” on my portable stereo, I took out Maximized Manhood by Edwin Louis Cole and began reading.
God came.
In Colossians 1:16, it shows the relationship between God and His creations. ”All things were created through Him and for Him.” And often, so many people overlook the “for” in that verse. Being made for somebody also means that we are bound to Him. And we are to follow Him.
But this is not just about following God. It is about obeying God. So many a times, we hear people say, why don’t you try this?
Why don’t you try praying?
Why don’t you try fasting?
Why don’t you try going to the Word of God?
Master Yoda of the Jedi says “Do or do not, there is no try.”
But do you know what it means to give God a try? It really means this:
“If God doesn’t come through for me, I will go and try someone else.”
Woah.. What arrogance. It makes us no different from the children of Israel who worshipped the golden calf in the absence of Moses.
And it happens every time. We think God is inviting us to pray, fast, fellowship, and repent. We perceive that we have a choice in whether we want to follow in ALL his ways.
NO. God does not invite.
God Commands.
“… but now commands all men everywhere to repent,” (Acts 17:30)
When faced with a command, we either obey or rebel.
So when we ignore God’s statures and commandments, we are really rebelling against Him.
When a man obeys God, he releases his potential to the fullest. (Cole, 2001, p. 45) And because God’s ways are higher than ours, He knows when the best timing, place and situation to release that latent potential to its maximum impact.
So when we turn away from the voice of God, we miss the chance to better and develop ourselves.
But most importantly, we rebel against God.
We have turned our backs on Him, the all-powerful, all knowing and all-seeing God. (Cole, 2001, p. 45).
Hear and obey the almighty my beloved brethren.
Cole, E. (2001). Maximized Manhood. United States of America. Whitetaker House.
Labels: Words of Life
Posted by daogei at
Monday, June 16, 2008
Wedding Express Video
Here's the highlights for all of you who weren't there! Enjoy viewing =)
Labels: BIG events
Posted by Kenneth at
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Luke 11:24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
030608 was a very special day for me. It was the day when I finally passed IPPT!!! Praise God! To make this day even more special, it was my dad’s birthday! God is so good to me! Hallelujah! I’m very thankful to God. After being confined to stay back for remedial training for quite a few weeks [which caused me to miss out on so many cell group meetings:(], I finally get to book out on a Friday night.
This event greatly encouraged me as it has been something I have been praying about for many years. I have been failing standing broad jump since primary school and no matter how i trained during junior college, I have never crossed the passing mark [Yes, it is a fallacy-not all people with long legs can jump...]. After every physical test and IPPT when i served NS, my self-esteem is always affected when I walked out of the test being a failure. But instead of dwelling in self-pity, I choose to pray: “God, please make me stronger so that I can be a more effective servant for you. I ask for Your help to pass my IPPT." Finally, I passed!
After this, I felt very encouraged as something I’ve praying for finally came to past and I’m looking to greater things ahead. Some of us may be praying for a few years for the salvation of our friends and family members or other issues... at times, nothing seems to be happening on the outside. But on the inside, we must know that the Holy Spirit is mightily at work. In Luke 11:19-24, Jesus cursed the fig tree and the effects were only evident on the next day. Jesus was using this event to teach us about faith and prayer, that even when nothing appears to be happening in the physical realm, God is mightily at work in the background. All glory and honour to God.
As the church embark on 21 days of praying and fasting to seek God, let us come with faith and expectancy; knowing and believing that it won’t be too long before each one of us can say “Finally!!!”
Labels: Experience Sharing
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